Scale invariance of structural transformations in plastically deformed nanostructured solids

The scale-invariant mechanical behavior of a nanostructured solid is associated with plastic distortion as a major mechanism of nano- and microscale structural transformations. Active grain boundary sliding in a deformed material (microscale) within its highly developed planar subsystem (nanograin boundaries) causes a progressive increase in lattice curvature and plastic distortion of atoms which produces nonequilibrium vacant sites in the nanostructure. The motion of nonequilibrium point defects in nanostructure curvature zones provides conditions for noncrystallographic plastic flow, dissolution or dispersion of initial phases, and formation of nonequilibrium phases in a deformed material. The possibility of reversible structural phase transformations in the presence of high lattice curvature opens the way to greatly increase the fatigue life of surface nanostructured polycrystalline materials.