Role of the Lipoxygenase/lyase Pathway of Host-food Plants in the Host Searching Behavior of Two Parasitoid Species, Cotesia glomerata and Cotesia plutellae

To elucidate the role of the plant lipoxygenase (LOX)/lyase pathway for host search behavior of two parasitic wasps attacking herbivorous larvae, an Arabidopsis mutant (all84) was isolated with a mutation somewhere in the LOX/lyase pathway. Detached leaves of the mutant were shown to release less (Z)-3-hexenal, a first green leaf volatile (GLV) product of the LOX/lyase pathway. The braconid larval parasitoids studied, Cotesia glomerata and Cotesia plutella, differ in their ability to discriminate among plant volatiles induced by feeding of lepidopteran hosts and nonhosts: C. plutella only responds to plant volatiles induced by hosts (Plutella larvae), whereas the response by the more generalist C. glomerata is not host specific. The Arabidopsis mutant all84 infested by Pieris larvae was less attractive to C. glomerata than Arabidopsis wild type (wt) infested by the host larvae. C. glomerata was attracted by two of the GLV biosynthesized through the LOX/lyase pathway, (E)-2-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. However, attraction of C. plutellae to volatiles from Plutella-infested all84 plants did not differ from attraction to host-infested wt Arabidopsis. Both wasp species were arrested to the respective host-infested edge of the wt leaf by showing characteristic antennal searching behavior on the edge. In C. glomerata, the duration of this searching behavior at the infested leaf edge was significantly shorter on all84 plants than on wt plants. By contrast, the duration of the searching behavior of C. plutellae on the host-infested leaf edge of all84 was not significantly different from that on the wt leaf. These data suggest that the LOX/lyase pathway is directly involved in the production of attractants and arrestants important for host search behavior of the more generalist C. glomerata, but not for the specialist C. plutellae.