A T3-like protein complex associated with the antigen receptor on murine T cells

Antigen recognition by human T lymphocytes and initiation of T-cell activation are mediated by a group of integral membrane proteins, the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and the T3 complex. The polypeptides which comprise T3 (a gamma-chain of relative molecular mass (Mr) 25,000 (25K), and delta and epsilon chains of 20K each) are physically associated with the TCR chains. Surface expression of the complex requires the presence of all the component T3 and TCR proteins. In contrast to the human system, murine T3 has not been identified using antibodies. Here we describe a murine T3-like protein complex. It appears to be more complicated than human T3, containing three monomeric glycoproteins (21-28K), two of which have N-linked carbohydrate side chains and a novel family of TCR-associated homo- and heterodimers. The 28K protein is identified as the murine T3 delta-chain. The 21K protein is phosphorylated on cell activation with concanavalin A (Con A).