Dynein achieves processive motion using both stochastic and coordinated stepping

The processivity of myosins and kinesins has been well studied, but how the dynein homodimer achieves continuous motion is unknown. Two-dimensional analysis of labeled, DNA-dimerized dynein demonstrates that dynein has an unusual stepping pattern and can alternate between stochastic- and tension-based stepping to achieve processivity. Processivity, the ability of single molecules to move continuously along a track, is a fundamental requirement of cargo-transporting molecular motors. Here, we investigate how cytoplasmic dynein, a homodimeric, microtubule-based motor, achieves processive motion. To do this, we developed a versatile method for assembling Saccharomyces cerevisiae dynein heterodimers, using complementary DNA oligonucleotides covalently linked to dynein monomers labeled with different organic fluorophores. Using two-color, single-molecule microscopy and high-precision, two-dimensional tracking, we find that dynein has a highly variable stepping pattern that is distinct from all other processive cytoskeletal motors, which use 'hand-over-hand' mechanisms. Uniquely, dynein stepping is stochastic when its two motor domains are close together. However, coordination emerges as the distance between motor domains increases, implying that a tension-based mechanism governs these steps. This plasticity may allow tuning of dynein for its diverse cellular functions.