Multiplexed and Electrically Modulated Plasmon Laser Circuit

With unprecedented ability to localize electromagnetic field in time and space, the nanometer scale laser promises exceptionally broad scientific and technological innovation. However, as the laser cavity becomes subwavelength, the diffraction of light prohibits the directional emission, so-called the directionality, one of the fundamental attributes of the laser. Here, we have demonstrated a deep subwavelength waveguide embedded (WEB) plasmon laser that directs more than 70% of its radiation into an embedded semiconductor nanobelt waveguide with dramatically enhanced radiation efficiency. The unique configuration of WEB plasmon laser naturally integrates photonic and electronic functionality allowing both efficient electrical modulation and wavelength multiplexing. We have demonstrated a plasmonic circuit integrating five independently modulated multicolored plasmon laser sources multiplexed onto a single semiconductor nanobelt waveguide, illustrating the potential of plasmon lasers for large scale, ultradense photonic integration.