Socioecological stressor areas and black-white blood pressure: Detroit

1. 1. Blood pressure does appear to vary with ‘socioecological niches’ or combinations of sex, race and residence, which reflect social class position as well as degree of social stressor conditions. Black High Stress males had higher adjusted levels than Black Low Stress males, while White High Stress females had higher adjusted pressures than White Low Stress females. Black High Stress females had significantly higher observed levels than Black Low Stress females. 2. 2. Black High Stress males had a significantly higher per cent of Borderline and Hypertensive blood pressure than other male race-area groups; White Low Stress females had the lowest of all eight sex-race-stress area groups. 3. 3. For Black males, the younger, overweight High Stress residents had significantly higher Borderline and Hypertensive levels than did a similar Black Low Stress subgroup. Further, for both groups, being raised in Detroit and not migrating from elsewhere was related to higher readings. Tests for age-stress area interaction, however, were not significant.