Determination of Pressure Gradient in Mitral Stenosis with a Non‐invasive Ultrasound Doppler Technique

A 2 MHz continuous waveform non-invasive ultrasound doppler system has been used in the present investigation. With the aid of the audio signals of the frequency shifts, the ultrasound probe was positioned on the external chest so that the axis of the incident ultrasonic beam coincided with the direction of the maximum velocity vectors of the mitral jet. The frequency shifts due to the mitral jet were frequency analyzed and the time course of the maximum frequency shift was determined. The time course of the maximum mitral jet velocity was then determined from the doppler equation and the time course of the mitral pressure gradient from an orifice equation. The usefulness of the technique was evaluated by studying 25 patients with mitral stenosis and 10 without heart disease. The patients with mitral stenosis were studied during cardiac catheterization and the ultrasound data, the pulmonary artery wedge pressure, and the left ventricular pressure were recorded simultaneously. A table is presented where the gradient determined with the ultrasound technique, deltaPU, is compared with the gradient determined from the pressure tracing, deltaPM. Averaged over the 25 patients studied, deltaPU was 1.7 mmHg smaller than deltaPM at 0.08 sec diastolic time and 1.8 mmHg smaller at 0.25 sec diastolic time. The findings in the patients without heart disease differed distinctly from those in the patients with mitral stenosis. The investigation demonstrated that the non-invasive ultrasound technique can be used with confidence to gain an impression of the magnitude of the mitral pressure gradient. The findings also suggest that deltaPU represents the actual pressure gradient more accurately than deltaPM. Another investigation is proposed to assess the accuracy of the technique more completely.