Epidural Fibrin Glue Injection Stops Persistent Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak During Long-Term Intrathecal Catheterization

He leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during the initial phase of long-term intrathecal (IT) in- fusion of analgesics can be a bothersome com- plaint. A series of 98 cancer patients was treated with an IT catheter in this hospital in one year; 8% showed persistent leakage of CSF via the catheter tract. In a previous series, 26% of the patients had persistent CSF leakage (1). Treatment of CSF leakage can be under- taken with an epidural blood patch; however, in our experience, this is not always successful in cancer patients. Three patients in whom persistent CSF leak- age was succesfully treated with an epidural injection of fibrin glue (Tissucol@, duo 500, Immuno AG, Vienna, Austria) are described.