Influence of Malalignment of Feet on the Plantar Pressure Pattern in Running

When overuse injuries of the lower limbs are diagnosed in athletes, the architecture and function of the foot should be examined. Foot structure was evaluated in 10 male and 14 female athletes. Based on this examination, the subjects were classified into three groups: pes planus, pes cavus, and pes rectus. While running, the plantar pressure pattern of these athletes was assessed with pressure-measuring insoles. Using these measurements, peak pressures and impulses were calculated for different foot anatomical locations. The plantar heel load was distributed significantly (P < 0.05) more toward the anterior part of the calcaneus in the pes planus group compared with the normal group. The relative load under the midfoot region was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the pes cavus group compared with the other foot types. The relative load of the forefoot was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the pes cavus group and lower in the pes planus group. Both feet of an athlete showed a similar plantar pressure pattern. Three successive steps were comparable in terms of impulses, but the peak pressures varied significantly from step to step. The local impulse and peak pressure values obtained in barefoot running differed significantly from the values obtained in running with sport shoes.