Management of adult choledochal cysts – a 15-year experience

Choledochal cysts are congenital anomalies, which present as either isolated or combined dilatations of the extra- and intra-hepatic biliary tree. As the condition is not confined to the extrahepatic bile duct, the term ‘choledochal cyst’ is in fact a misnomer and ‘bile duct cyst’ or ‘biliary cyst’ is probably more appropriate. Nevertheless, due to the long-standing usage and familiarity, the term ‘choledochal cyst’ is generally accepted and its classification by Todani et al. into five types (Figure 1 Figure 1 ) addresses the anatomical variations of the condition adequately [ 1 x [1] Todani, T., Watanabe, Y., Narusue, M., Tabuchi, K., and Okajima, K. Congenital bile duct cysts: classification, operative procedures and review of 37 cases including cancer arising from choledochal cyst. Am J Surg. 1977; 134: 263–269 Abstract | Full Text PDF | PubMed | Scopus (899) | Google Scholar See all References ] [1] .