With the aid of an algorithm for automatic pacing threshold (T) measurement in the atrium and ventricle, downloadable into implanted Thera pacemakers (Medtronic Inc.), we studied T evolution during lead maturation, T variation during activities of daily living, and various types of beat-to-beat T variations in three tined bipolar leads: 5.6-mm2 steroid-eluting (Medtronic Inc. models 4524 atrial-J [n = 8] and 4024 ventricular [n = 8]), 1.2-mm2 steroid-eluting (Medtronic Inc. models 5534 atrial-J [n = 9] and 5034 ventricular [n = 9]), and 8-mm2 without steroid (Intermedics models 432-04 atrial-J [n = 7] and 430-10 ventricular [n = 7]). The leads were implanted in 24 consecutive patients with intact AV conduction (required by the algorithm) and followed for up to 13-25 months after implantation. Since the algorithm determined pulse width Ts at different amplitudes that, depending upon T level, could range from 0.5 to 5.0 V, we invented a methodology for conversion of pulse width Ts into voltage Ts at 0.5 ms, to pool and present T data on a universal scale. Frequent, high resolution T measurements revealed details on the lead maturation process that we divided into three stages: initial T subsiding, first wave of T peaking, and a new, quicker or slower, T rise. Although there were notable differences in duration and magnitude of T peaking on the individual basis, differences between the three lead types and between the atrium and ventricle were demonstrable. The 1.2-mm2 leads exhibited less T peaking than their predecessors 5.6-mm2 leads and excellent positional stability, whereas 8-mm2 leads demonstrated the most intensive T peaking and highest mean chronic T values. T changes during activities of daily living showed some tendencies-higher T during night and lower T during exercise--yet with a number of exceptions. The overall magnitude of daily T fluctuations was < 0.2 V in all but one lead, and 50% daily voltage safety margin would be sufficient. A 100% voltage safety margin may be inadequate for a 1-year period during the chronic phase (after 6 months of implantation). A scheme for calculation of pulse width safety margins equivalent to voltage safety margins is given. Some leads can exhibit very large beat-to-beat T variations before, during, and after T peaking, and prospective algorithms for automatic T measurement should verify T values through more than 1-2 captured beats to obviate a great underestimation of the T providing consistent capture. T dependence upon pacing rate was negligible. Consistent-capture hysteresis may, in conjunction with lead instability, be as much as 0.25 V. Therefore, it is better to use an incremental approach from below to T level during automatic T measurements.