The non‐timber value of northern Swedish forests

For the forests in the county of Västerbotten in northern Sweden, this study attempts to quantify the non‐timber value arisen from on‐site consumptive use (berry‐ and mushroom‐picking), on‐site non‐consumptive use (hiking, camping, etc.), and off‐site visual experience. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied in a mail survey for obtaining empirical data. A follow‐up survey was also conducted in order to get knowledge about the representativeness of the respondents to the CVM survey. The results indicated that the non‐timber value accounted for a considerable portion of the total forest value. On‐site consumptive use was more valuable to rural people than to urban, while on‐site non‐consumptive use was more valuable to urban people. Taken together, these on‐site use values—which to a large extent depend on the Right of Common Access—accounted for two‐thirds of the non‐timber value. The value of the off‐site visual experience thus accounted for one‐third of the non‐timber value.