Stochastic Simulations on the Reliability of Action Potential Propagation in Thin Axons

It is generally assumed that axons use action potentials (APs) to transmit information fast and reliably to synapses. Yet, the reliability of transmission along fibers below 0.5 μm diameter, such as cortical and cerebellar axons, is unknown. Using detailed models of rodent cortical and squid axons and stochastic simulations, we show how conduction along such thin axons is affected by the probabilistic nature of voltage-gated ion channels (channel noise). We identify four distinct effects that corrupt propagating spike trains in thin axons: spikes were added, deleted, jittered, or split into groups depending upon the temporal pattern of spikes. Additional APs may appear spontaneously; however, APs in general seldom fail (3 by using unmyelinated axons of 0.3 μm average diameter as wires. Many axons (e.g., pain fibers) are thinner. Although, as in computer chips, wire miniaturization economizes on space and energy, it increases the noise introduced by thermodynamic fluctuations in a neuron's “protein transistors,” voltage-gated ion channels. We investigated how well the relatively small number of ion channels found in the membranes of tiny axons propagate the brain's universal signal—the action potential. We built a stochastic model that incorporates the random behavior of individual ion channels and found noise effects much larger than previously assumed, because standard stochastic approximation techniques (Langevin) break down because single channels can produce whole-cell responses. Channel noise destroys information encoded in the timing of action potentials, by randomly varying the speed of conduction, and produces a novel mode of transmission, stochastic microsaltatory conduction. Ion channel populations retain memory of previous activity in the distribution of channel states, causing action potential reliability to vary with context. The effects and general relationships identified here will govern other cell-signaling systems that rely on inherently noisy protein switches to propagate signals, either for intracellular communication (Ca++/cAMP waves) or in nanotechnology.