Assessing the Health Behaviors of Texas College Students

The authors of this study examined the health behaviors of Texas college students, using a telephone survey to assess 1,408 randomly selected students enrolled in 23 institutions of higher education. Eighty-nine percent of those surveyed had consumed alcohol at least once, and nearly one third considered themselves regular smokers. More than 81% reported they had had sexual intercourse at least once, and one fourth of the sexually active men had had more than 10 partners. However, of the 1,148 students who were sexually active, only 40.1% reported using a condom at last intercourse. Almost 59% of the students surveyed had never been taught about HIV or AIDS in any of their college classes. Given the large sample size and the random methods employed, the authors suggest that the results of this study can be used to establish a baseline of information regarding health behaviors of college students that can be extrapolated to college populations across the country.