Boosted Charge Transfer in SnS/SnO2 Heterostructures: Toward High Rate Capability for Sodium‐Ion Batteries

Constructing heterostructures can endow materials with fascinating performance in high-speed electronics, optoelectronics, and other applications owing to the built-in charge-transfer driving force, which is of benefit to the specific charge-transfer kinetics. Rational design and controllable synthesis of nano-heterostructure anode materials with high-rate performance, however, still remains a great challenge. Herein, ultrafine SnS/SnO2 heterostructures were successfully fabricated and showed enhanced charge-transfer capability. The mobility enhancement is attributed to the interface effect of heterostructures, which induces an electric field within the nanocrystals, giving them much lower ion-diffusion resistance and facilitating interfacial electron transport.
Funding Information
  • Australian Research Council