Spare Roof Technique: A Middle Third New Technique

To our knowledge, the spare roof technique (SRT) is the first technique that is based on a complete skeletonization/preservation of the upper lateral cartilages. This technique is used to keep the natural roof of the nose's middle third, while dehumping and/or correcting the crooked septum. From January 2014 till March 2015, a total of 40 rhinoplasties were performed through the SRT: 28 reduction rhinoplasties, 6 complex crooked noses (with extracorporeal septoplasty), and 6 mixed cases. The SRT is an excellent middle third technique. The natural roof was kept and fitted the accurate new position in almost all cases with no surgical complexity. It is an easy technique with many applications and it is also very useful in the classical humpectomy of the Caucasian nose and correction of the crooked nose. Miguel Gonçalves Ferreira was responsible for design, analysis, and interpretation, as well as writing of the manuscript; had full access to all the data in the study; and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis. Daniel Monteiro was responsible for analysis, interpretation, and writing of the manuscript. Cláudia Reis and Cecilia Almeida e Sousa were responsible for writing of the manuscript.