Pressure Effect on Superconducting Critical Temperature According to String Model

Superconductivityis generally regarded as one of the most striking and widely used physical phenomenon. Physicists in response have shown sheer interest in scrutinizing superconductivity and constructing theoretical models to explain it. The majorityof models derived in this regard neglected some aspects of superconductivity. The link between critical temperature and pressure remains a highly neglected and potentially representing a research gap in this area. Thus, this motivates the researchers to construct a new model on the relation between pressure and superconductors critical temperature using a string model. The study mainly aims to construct theoretical model based on string model in attempt to understand the effect of pressure on critical temperature and superconducting resistance. The results of study reveal that using plasma equation for mechanical and thermal pressure the frequency is obtained. It also finds that treating electrons as string the energy is found in terms temperature and pressure. Further, when the superconducting resistance vanishes the corresponding critical temperature was found. Furthermore, the increasing mechanical pressure increases the critical temperature.