Early child health in Lahore, Pakistan: XII. Milestones

Psychomotor development was assessed in 1476 infants from four different levels of urbanization in and around Lahore, Pakistan. Development was assessed monthly at birth to 24 months of age by using a set of 10 milestones selected from the Denver Developmental Screening Test and the Developmental Screening Inventory. The psychomotor development of children in the upper middle (Um) class was consistent with reference population groups in Europe and North America, hence this group was used as control. There was significant delay in the psychomotor development of infants belonging to the poorer areas compared to the Um class. There was no sex difference in the development of the milestones in any study area, except for girls in the Um class who were earlier for about one month than boys in talking. Infants in the poorer areas were, on average about 3 months, delayed in their walking and fine motor activity (building a tower of 3 cubes) in comparison with the Um class. Observed disturbance in psychomotor development at an early age may affect the abilities and achievements in later life.