HLA-DPB1 typing by polymerase chain reaction amplification with sequence-specific primers

DPB1 is the second most polymorphic class II locus with currently 84 recognized alleles, i.e. DPB1*0101 to DPB1*8101. Most of the alleles have been described during the last few years using oligonucleotide and sequencing techniques and relatively little is known about the role and importance of the polymorphic residues as regards to the function of DP molecules. In the present study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were designed for identification of all the phenotypically different DPB1 alleles by PCR amplification with sequence‐specific primers. Forty‐eight standard genomic PCR reactions per sample were performed in order to achieve this resolution. Unique amplification patterns were obtained in 2983 of 3160 (94.4%) possible genotypes. The primers were combined so that only very rare genotypes gave rise to ambiguous patterns. Sixty‐four Histocompatibility Workshop cell lines and 150 DNAs provided by the UCLA DNA exchange were investigated by the DPB1 primer set. All typing results were conclusive. Analysis of the distribution of DPB1 alleles was performed in 200 Caucasian samples, 100 African samples and 40 Oriental samples. The population study by the DPB1 PCR‐SSP method showed a characteristic distribution of HLA‐DPB1 alleles. Each ethnic group had one, or two, frequent DPB1 allele(s) and the frequency of homozygotes was high, suggesting that balancing selection does not appear to be affecting the evolution of the DPB1 locus (1).