A survey of respiratory disease among New York City postal and transit workers: 2. Ventilatory function test results

One-second forced expiratory volumes (FEV1.0) were measured for 12,500 men in New York City who were included in a survey of respiratory disease symptoms among postmen and transit workers. The study design and data on prevalence of symptoms were given in an earlier report. Study of ventilatory function test results showed distinctive patterns with respect to age, smoking habits, and respiratory disease symptoms. One-second forced expiratory volumes decreased with age in all study groups; age-specific means were slightly higher for white than for non-white men; the lowest FEV1 values were found among cigarette smokers, especially the heavy smokers, and the highest values were those of non-smokers or men without symptoms; variations in patterns of the decline with age, as well as differences in age-specific mean FEV1 values, were evident among groups of men reporting different symptoms of respiratory disease.