Mayo's older americans normative studies: WAIS-R norms for ages 56 to 97

Data obtained in Mayo's Older Americans Normative Studies (MOANS) provide age-specific norms for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) on a sample of 512 cognitively normal persons age 56 to 97. IQ scores derived from these norms are termed “MAYO Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQs” to differentiate them from traditional WAIS-R IQs. MAYO IQs are, by design, estimates of WAIS-R IQs. A normative procedure that adjusts both for age and also for differences between the WAIS-R's national normative sample and this project's sample is described. The tables needed to convert WAIS-R raw scores to MAYO IQs are presented for ages 56 through 97. The assumptions that underlie the development of MAYO IQs are discussed. Concordance rates are presented which suggest that MAYO IQs are very similar to traditional WAIS-R IQs at ages where both can be validly calculated. The availability of MAYO IQs should enhance the use of the WAIS-R beyond age 74 and should also assist future research designed to distinguish “normal” from “abnormal” intellectual change at life's oldest ages.