Atypical cases of Microsporum canis infection in the adult

Eleven adult patients (7 males, 4 females) were found to be infected with Microsporum canis. There was involvement of the scalp in three patients: in one male and one female there were kerion-like lesions and in one male the lesions resembled seborrheic dermatitis. There were three cases of tinea barbae, males aged 28, 65 and 82 years, in the first resembling an infected single lesion of granuloma annulare, the second with a kerion-like lesion and the third with an abscess-like tumor. There were five patients with lesions in glabrous areas: one male with a lesion of the palm resembling erythema multiforme and one with an infection of the auricular lobe resembling a seborrheic dermatitis or otitis externa; of three females with tinea faciei one had a lesion simulating granuloma faciale, one simulating lymphocytic infiltration and one simulating discoid lupus erythematosus. A cat was the source of infection in three cases; in the remainder it could not be determined with certainty. It is of note that a continuous increase in infection with M. canis has been observed in Israel during the past five years.