Low-dose CT and inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses

Computed tomography (CT) is the gold standard for exact delineation of inflammatory sinus disease, especially before endoscopic surgical treatment, and in cases of postoperative recurrences. In routine CT studies, the radiation dose to the patient is not negligible. Therefore, the authors evaluated prospectively the CT scans of 44 patients with inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses, to define the imaging ability of low-dose CT (i.e. 60 mA-3 s, 30 mA-3 s, and 30 mA-2 s), comparatively with the standard mAs settings (130 mA-3 s). In all cases, the exact extent of the disease was correctly assessed on each of the low-dose settings, with no false negative study. The increasing graininess of low mAs sections did not induce errors of interpretation, despite a less pleasant appearance to the eyes. In cases of extensive sinus disease, the thickness and integrity of the ethmoid septa were sometimes more difficult to evaluate on lowdose CT sections. The authors recommend the use of low mAs settings in the evaluation of inflammatory disease of the sinuses, complemented, if necessary, in cases of extensive abnormalities, by one or two sections obtained with standard mAs settings, focused on questionably abnormal bone septa.