United States neonatology practice survey: personnel, practice, hospital, and neonatal intensive care unit characteristics.

Background. The efficiency and access to existing perinatal resources has become a focus of debate. Despite inconsistent references to the number of neonatologists and unsubstantiated personnel requirement recommendations, recent commentaries have suggested a current 30% to 50% excess in workforce. Objective. To describe the current neonatology workforce and its practice patterns. Design. Using a questionnaire developed by the Committee on Practice of the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics of the American Academy of Pediatrics and distributed to 675 neonatology practices identified in the United States Neonatologists Directory 1996, a survey was conducted from July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 requesting specific information relating to personnel, type and size of practice, and clinical services provided at practice hospitals. Results. Respondents included 420 neonatology practices (62.2% response rate) representing 2006 neonatologists providing clinical care in 695 hospitals, 652 with delivery services that accounted for 1 646 881 live births in 1994. More than 95% of practices and neonatologists identified themselves as based in university, private, or hospital settings. Eighty percent of neonatologists were Conclusion. Significant discrepancies between earlier projected neonatologist requirements and current neonatology workforce and service responsibilities are discussed in relation to demands of reallocation of subspecialty resources within an evolving health care system.