Pineal and serum melatonin at midday and midnight following pinealectomy or castration in male rats

Melatonin has been extracted by chloroform from rat serum and quantified by the Rana pipiens tadpole bioassay. Like pineal melatonin, serum melatonin was high at mid-dark and low at mid-light. This finding suggests a diurnal rhythm of serum melatonin in the rat. Serum samples obtained at middark had melatonin levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.05 ng per ml of serum. When rats were pinealectomized, melatonin activity in the serum was abolished. Thus, rat serum melatonin may originate primarily from the pineal. There was no significant change in pineal melatonin content nor in serum melatonin concentrations 7 or 12 days following orchidectomy.