Structure of andE2transition inC16in aC14+n+nmodel

A three-body model of C14 +n+n is applied to study the energy spectrum and the hindered E2 transition in C16. A realistic two-nucleon potential is used for the valence neutrons. Both spin-singlet and spin-triplet components for the neutrons are taken into account. The three-body problem with a Pauli constraint is solved in a stochastic variational method. For the n C14 potential chosen to reproduce the properties of C15, the low-lying energy spectrum agrees reasonably well with experiment, but the ground state is predicted to be about 1 MeV high. The calculated B(E2; 21+01+) value is about twice the measured value if the polarization charge of the valence neutrons is taken to be the same as that required to fit the C15 data. The correlated motion of the valence neutrons is displayed through the two-neutron density distribution.