Superadditive Effects of Ethanol and Flunitrazepam: Implications of Using Immunopharmacotherapy as a Therapeutic

While benzodiazepine intoxication alone may elicit sedative and antianxiety effects, alcohol coingestion greatly amplifies this central nervous system depression. As a result, this drug combination gained notoriety for its role in cases of facilitated sexual assault and fatal overdose. We previously validated the ability of the novel antiflunitrazepam monoclonal antibody (mAb) RCA3A3 to bind flunitrazepam (FLU) in vivo and block FLU-induced impairment of locomotion and memory. A therapeutically relevant application of this high affinity mAb (Kd,app = 200 nM), however, is to the more tenuous indication of flunitrazepam (FLU) and alcohol cointoxication. Employing a murine behavioral model, passive immunization with mAb RCA3A3 before injection of ethanol (EtOH: low-dose, 1 g/kg, or high-dose, 1.5 g/kg), FLU (0.06 mg/kg), or a cocktail of both drugs offered partial to full restoration of motor activity levels in co-drug treated and FLU-treated mouse groups (n = 12), respectively. Whereas all drug treatments left contextual learning intact, auditory cued learning was severely disrupted. Prophylactic administration of mAb RCA3A3 prevented this deficit in cued learning in FLU-treated mice but not in the FLU- and EtOH-treated mice, in which co-drug exposure exacerbated the impairment in cued fear conditioning. To substantiate this finding, a dose−response study was performed, and the changes in locomotor activity incurred by different FLU (low-dose, 0.06 mg/kg, or high-dose, 0.09 mg/kg), EtOH (1.0 g/kg, 1.5 g/kg), and mAb RCA3A3 (14.5 mg/kg, 21.8 mg/kg) dose combinations illustrated the potentiation in motor effects by concomitant exposure to FLU and EtOH. Thus, motor activity and fear conditioning results demonstrated that both the amount of FLU left unbound by antibody and the pharmacological additivity between FLU and EtOH, a GABA mimetic, were limiting factors in the therapeutic efficacy of mAb RCA3A3. In sum, our study highlights the complex nature of psychomotor impairment upon co-drug versus singular drug exposure, which may pose a unique challenge to therapeutic treatment.