The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) participates in fundamental events in innate and adaptive immunity. The profile of activities of MIF in vivo and in vitro is strongly suggestive of a role for MIF in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and hence antagonism of MIF is suggested as a potential therapeutic strategy in inflammatory disease. The best developed case for therapeutic antagonism of MIF is in RA. In RA, MIF is abundantly expressed in serum and synovial tissue. MIF induces synovial expression of key pro‐inflammatory genes, regulates the function of endothelial cells and leucocytes, and is implicated in the control of synoviocyte proliferation and apoptosis via direct effects on the expression of the tumour suppressor protein p53. In animal models of RA, anti‐MIF antibodies or genetic MIF deficiency are associated with significant inhibition of disease. A similar case has been made, for example using MIF‐deficient mice, in models of atheroma, colitis, multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases. The relationship with p53 also means MIF may be important in the link between inflammatory disease and cancer, such as is seen in RA or colitis. MIF also has a unique relationship with glucocorticoids, in that despite antagonizing their effects, the expression of MIF is in fact induced by glucocorticoids. Thus, MIF functions as a physiological counter‐regulator of the anti‐inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids. This may be entrained by selective activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinases rather than nuclear factor kappa B. Therapeutic MIF antagonism may therefore provide a specific means of ‘steroid sparing’. Exploitation of antibody, soluble receptor or small molecule technologies may soon lead to the ability to test in the clinic the importance of MIF in human inflammatory diseases. (Intern Med J 2005; 35: 419–426)