Catamenial Pneumothorax—A Literature Review and Report of an Unusual Case

As already mentioned, only a few cases of CPT were described in the international medical literature, though there probably are some publications in languages unknown to us. It is quite possible that this syndrome is much more common than known to us, but until now there has been a lack of awareness of it. It may be presumed that in some of the cases of women complaining of some discomfort during menstruation, thorough examination would reveal a mild spontaneous pneumothorax which doesn't require any special treatment and is self-resolving; but most gynecologists are not thoroughly aware of this entity. While examining the clinical findings it is possible to demonstrate that this syndrome has its own clinical characteristics, totally different from those of spontaneous pneumothorax in the population as a whole. One of the characteristics of the syndrome is the assumption that women who do not ovulate, as women during the menarche, pregnant women and women taking contraceptive medications, are not subject to CPT. A case described in this review contradicts this assumption, although treatment with ovulatory suppressants, successfully used so far, should not be undervalued. The etiology and pathogenesis of this syndrome was and still is enigmatic. The accumulated knowledge so far does not point to any one etiologic factor. Therefore the suggested treatment, before definitive operative treatment, is so far experimental only, and its chances of success in any particular case are unpredictable.