An Enshrouded Active Galactic Nucleus in the Merging Starburst System Arp 299 Revealed by [CLC][ITAL]BeppoSAX[/ITAL][/CLC]

Using a long (150 ks) broadband (0.1-40 keV) BeppoSAX observation of the merging starburst system Arp 299 (=IC 694 + NGC 3690), we found the first unambiguous evidence of the presence of a deeply buried (NH 2.5 × 1024 cm-2) active galactic nucleus (AGN) having an intrinsic luminosity of L0.5-100 keV 1.9 × 1043 ergs s-1. The X-ray spectral properties of this AGN are discussed in detail, as well as the thermal component detected at soft X-ray energies, which, most likely, is associated with the starburst.

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