The "Loma Linda stent": a screw-retained resin stent.

This article describes a technique in which an acellular dermal allograft is used in combination with a photopolymerized acrylic resin stent to increase the zone of keratinized tissue around osseointegrated dental implants. During the second-stage surgery, a split thickness labial flap is reflected and apically repositioned by being sutured onto the periosteum and connective tissue. The acellular dermal allograft is then sutured onto the recipient site. The acrylic resin is trimmed and secured with temporary abutments to the implants, fitting passively over the graft and then photopolymerized intraorally. The stent is left for 1 week to secure the graft in place. This technique offers an alternative mucogingival procedure for increasing the zone of keratinized tissue around osseointegrated dental implants.