Effects of an Employee Fitness Program on Reduced Absenteeism

The effect of participation in an employee fitness program on reduction of absenteeism due to illness on three different worksites (police force, chemical industry, banking) was studied. The study used a longitudinal pretest-posttest design. From 884 subjects, data were collected on absenteeism in the pre-intervention year and on absenteeism in the first year of the fitness program. The subjects were divided into three groups: high participation, low participation, and no participation in the employee fitness program. Results of covariance analyses show that the high participation group had a significant decline in sick days (4.8 days), while the low and no participation groups showed no change in sick days. Even when self-selection in the participation in an employee fitness program seems to be present, there is potentially for a great deal to be gained from participation of this self-selected group in terms of changed sick days.