Synthesis of clotting factors by the isolated perfused rat liver.

The role of the liver in synthesis of coagulation factors was studied by the technique of isolated intact rat liver perfusion. Direct evidence for synthesis of prothrombin and Factors V, VII, and X by the liver was obtained. Inhibition of synthesis of prothrombin, Factor VII, and Factor X by Coumadin and reversal of inhibition by vitamin K1 were demonstrated. The lack of effect of Coumadin and vitamin K1 on Factor V synthesis was also demonstrated. Further evidence for hepatic synthesis of prothrombin, Factor V, and Factor X was obtained by use of puromycin as inhibitor of protein synthesis. Studies with puromycin in combination with Coumadtn and vitamin K suggest that the latter 2 agents act between ribosomal synthesis and the appearance of active prothrombin, Factor Vn, and Factor X.