Summary High affinity glutamate uptake (HAGU) was measured within the red nucleus (RN) and the ventrolateral thalamic area in intact adult cats and in animals which had undergone a large hemicerebellectomy 8 to 21 days before. In the side contralateral to the lesion, results show two types of changes in HAGU: 1. In the caudal parts of the RN and the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VL), a strong HAGU decrease was demonstrated suggesting some cerebellorubral and cerebellothalamic fibres use glutamate (Glu) as their neurotransmitter. 2. In the rostral parts of the RN and the VL, an increase in HAGU was detected. This increase was particularly large at thalamic level, which led us to perform a kinetic analysis of the uptake system. Results show that the increase observed in HAGU is related in the thalamic area to an increased affinity of the transport sites for Glu. The mechanism of the HAGU increase measured in the rostral VL after cerebellectomy was further investigated in the presence of acetylcholine (ACh) which we have previously shown to be possibly involved in the neurotransmission of some cerebellothalamic and cerebellorubral fibres. ACh was shown to exert an inhibitory effect on HAGU in the control situation. Decrease in affinity of the transport sites for Glu induced by ACh was more pronounced when HAGU was enhanced as a consequence of the cerebellar lesion. We hypothesized that the cerebellectomy enhances the activity of nerve terminals which take up Glu in the VL and that we have shown to be mainly related to corticothalamic neurons. The basic mechanism involved in this activation could be the withdrawal of presynaptic inhibitory controls on corticothalamic fibres due to the removal of the putative cholinergic cerebellar input. This hypothesis was extended to the RN where previous electrophysiological and anatomical studies have suggested that the cerebellar lesion induces a sprouting of corticorubral nerve terminals. The increase in HAGU in response to the cerebellar lesion could constitute an adaptive mechanism by which the CNS may compensate for the loss of the excitatory cerebellar input to the RN and thalamic neurons by increasing the corticofugal transmission.