Fibrin Glue-Antibiotic Mixture in the Treatment of Anal Fistulae: Experience with 69 Cases

Background/Aims: To investigate the potential value of the use of the fibrin glue-antibiotic mixture in the treatment of anal fistulae. Materials and Methods: This study included 69 patients with idiopathic nonspecific anal fistulae. Patients with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), TBC, actinomycosis, and cancer were excluded from the study. The microbiological analysis of the discharge of the fistula was done routinely. If there was any doubt about vertical classification of the fistulous tract MR of anal canal was necessary. As regards the vertical disposition, 39 fistulae were classified as intersphincteric and 30 as transsphincteric, and as to the length of the fistulous tract, 24 fistulas had tracts ≤3.5 cm long, and 45 fistulas had tracts >3.5 cm long. All fistulae were first treated with the lavage of the fistulous tract with antibiotic solution until a sterile microbiological finding was obtained. This was followed by electrocoagulation of the fistulous tract with a special probe for the eradication of granulomatous tissue. Finally the fibrin glue-antibiotic mixture (Tisseel, Immuno Ltd., Vienna, Austria) was applied. Results: After a follow-up of 18–36 months (median 28) 18 patients (26%) had a recurrence; among these, intersphincteric fistula recurred in 9 patients (23%) and transsphincteric also in 9 (30%). Regarding the length of the fistulous tract, a fistula with a ≤3.5 cm long tract recurred in 13 patients (54%) and a fistula with a >3.5 cm long tract in 5 (11%). Conclusion: The analysis showed that the success of the treatment of anal fistulae with fibrin glue-antibiotic mixture was independent of the vertical disposition of the fistula, and was dependent on the length of the fistulous tract. Surgical treatment remains a golden standard for simple fistulae with a tract ≤3.5 cm. Anal fistulae with a longer tract usually present a more complex problem and are often more difficult to treat surgically, the use of the fibrin glue-antibiotic complex proved to be a feasible method for those cases. It is a safe, cheap, reproducible, pain-free procedure, which eliminates the possibility of anal incontinence and can be performed under local anesthesia.