Skin manifestations associated with tumours of the brain

In a 4-year period seventy-seven patients with tumours of the brain were investigated for skin manifestations. These were observed in twenty-four (31-2%) and fall into three main groups: Pruritus. Thirteen patients complained of pruritus. Most characteristic is the pruritus of the nostrils, which was observed in six patients. It can be extremely severe and is a sign of an advanced tumour. Pigmentary disorders were observed in seven patients. In two, vitiligo appeared simultaneously with the brain tumour symptoms. In the others, hyperpigmentation appeared on the face later in the course of the disease. Hyperkeratotic changes were manifest in four patients. Two had a mild hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles. The other two developed in addition an ichthyosiform atrophy of the skin. The possible pathogenesis of the skin manifestations associated with brain tumours is discussed.