Health gains from screening for infection of the lower genital tract in women attending for termination of pregnancy

Infection of the upper genital tract after abortion is well recognised, but routine screening for infection before termination is rare, and few centres are aware of the prevalence of post-abortion complications in their population. We undertook a study to assess the prevalence and sequelae of genital-tract infection in patients undergoing termination of pregnancy and to estimate the costs and potential benefits of introducing screening and prophylaxis for the most commonly found organisms. The study in Swansea, UK, was of 401 consecutive patients attending for termination of pregnancy; only 1 patient refused to take part. Immediately before the termination procedure vaginal and cervical swabs were taken for microscopic examination and culture of Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and candida species. We sought Chlamydia trachomatis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 112 (28%) women had the typical bacterial flora of anaerobic (bacterial) vaginosis, 95 (24%) had candidal infection, 32 (8%) chlamydial infection, 3 (0 75%) trichomonas infection, and 1 (0·25%) gonorrhoea. Postoperative follow-up of 30 of the women with chlamydial infection showed that pelvic infection developed in 19 (63%), of whom 7 were readmitted to hospital. 9 male partners of women with chlamydial (plus gonococcal in 1 case) infection were examined; 8 were symptom-free, 3 had C trachomatis infection, and 1 N gonorrhoeae. Estimated costs of hospital admissions for complications of chlamydial infection were more than double the costs of providing a routine chlamydia screening programme and prophylactic treatment. Screening for chlamydial infection before termination of pregnancy is essential. Prophylactic treatment for both chlamydial infection and anaerobic vaginosis should also be considered. Male partners of women infected with chlamydia are often symptom-free, but they must be traced to avoid reinfections.