Correlated imaging, quantum and classical

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We analytically show that it is possible to perform coherent imaging by using the classical correlation of two beams obtained by splitting incoherent thermal radiation. A formal analogy is demonstrated between two such classically correlated beams and two entangled beams produced by parametric down-conversion. Because of this analogy, the classical beams can mimic qualitatively all the imaging properties of the entangled beams, even in ways which up to now were not believed possible. A key feature is that these classical beams are spatially correlated both in the near field and in the far field. Using realistic numerical simulations the performances of a quasithermal and a parametric down-conversion source are shown to be closely similar, both for what concerns the resolution and statistical properties. The results of this paper provide a scenario for the discussion of what role the entanglement plays in correlated imaging.