Phylogenetic relationships among the hymenomycetous yeasts in the Cryptococcus luteolus lineage of the Tremellales were examined based on sequence analyses of the 18S rRNA gene, 26S rRNA gene D1/D2 domain, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region including 5.8S rRNA gene and mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. In addition to the Dioszegia clade, two clades represented by Bullera mrakii and Bullera sinensis, respectively, were revealed to be well-separated monophyletic groups in the lineage. These clades also exhibited distinguishable colony characters. Two new genera, Derxomyces gen. nov. (type species: Derxomyces mrakii comb. nov.) and Hannaella gen. nov. (type species: Hannaella sinensis comb. nov.), are proposed to accommodate the species in the B. mrakii and B. sinensis clades, respectively. Mainly based on D1/D2 and ITS sequence comparison, eight novel Derxomyces species were recognized from ballistoconidium-forming strains isolated from plant leaves. The new species and their type strains are as follows: Derxomyces boekhoutii (AS 2.3758T=CBS 10824T), Derxomyces hainanensis (AS 2.3467T=CBS 10820T), Derxomyces linzhiensis (AS 2.2668T=CBS 10827T), Derxomyces pseudocylindrica (AS 2.3778T=CBS 10826T), Derxomyces qinlingensis (AS 2.2446T=CBS 10818T), Derxomyces simaoensis (AS 2.3571T=CBS 10822T), Derxomyces wuzhishanensis (AS 2.3760T=CBS 10825T) and Derxomyces yunnanensis (AS 2.3562T=CBS 10821T).

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