Prevalence and correlates of HIV discordance and concordance among Chinese - Burmese mixed couples in the Dehong prefecture of Yunnan province, China

Background Many people from Burma have migrated to Dehong prefecture and married local residents during the past decades; however, little is known about HIV risk-taking behaviours and HIV prevalence among these mixed couples. We investigated factors correlated with HIV discordance and concordance within Chinese–Burmese mixed couples in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province, China. Methods: A cross-sectional study with face-to-face questionnaire interviews and HIV blood testing was conducted. Results: Of 5742 couples, 1.6% couples were HIV-infected concordant, 2.2% were HIV serodiscordant with an HIV-infected male spouse and 0.9% were HIV serodiscordant with an HIV-infected female spouse. HIV discordance with an HIV-infected male spouse was significantly associated with characteristics of the male spouse, including being aged ≥30 years, non-Han ethnic minority, a marital relationship of