Formulas are derived for the constants κ1 and κ2 of superconducting alloys for arbitrary temperatures and impurity concentrations. Beginning with Gorkov's equations in matrix form, we calculate the free-energy density up to fourth order in |Δ|, using Abrikosov's assumption of a fluxoid lattice. The impurities are treated by the usual averaging technique, retaining only s and p scattering, and a special technique is developed to treat exactly the nonvanishing commutator of different components of the gauge-invariant derivative. The results contain the already known limiting cases. Intermediate values are obtained by performing machine calculations using the general formulas developed here. It is found that the values of κ1 and κ2 drop relatively strongly even for small impurity concentration, and also depend unexpectedly strongly on the ratio of s and p scattering. The recent result of Caroli, Cyrot, and de Gennes is confirmed according to which κ2 is approximately equal to κ1 in the dirty limit.