异位辅助性肝移植比起原位肝移植有着许多独有的优势,其在急性肝衰竭、遗传代谢性肝病、终末期肝病等治疗上进步显著。但是腹腔空间的缺乏、门静脉血流竞争导致移植肝衰竭、移植早期的急性排斥反应等难题,阻碍了该术式更好的发展。本文就异位辅助性肝移植的目前现状及难点问题作一综述,以期进一步增加对异位辅助性肝移植的认识,为肝移植开拓新的思路。 Heterotopic auxiliary liver transplantation has many unique advantages over orthotopic liver transplantation in the treatment of acute liver failure, inherited metabolic liver disease, end stage liver disease and so on. However, the lack of abdominal space, portal vein blood flow competition lead to graft failure, early acute rejection and other problems, which hinder the better development of this technique. This article reviews the current status and difficulties of heterotopic auxiliary liv-er transplantation, in order to improve the understanding of heterotopic auxiliary liver transplan-tation and open up a new way for liver transplantation.