The heat capacities of gadolinium and ytterbium metals have been measured between 0.4 and 4°K in a He3 cryostat. For gadolinium, in qualitative agreement with earlier results, anomalous humps were observed in Cp at 1.1, 1.6, and 3.7°K. The ground state of the Gd3+ ion is S728 and consequently, due to zero orbital angular momentum of the 4f electrons, the nuclear specific heat is small. The observed Cp is much larger than one would expect for the metal alone; the excess entropy could be attributed to magnetic ordering of Gd3+ ions in the Gd2 O3 impurity (0.54% of oxygen in our sample). The specific heat of ytterbium, between 0.4 and 4°K, can be expressed accurately by Cp(mJmole°K)=1.180T3+2.90T+0.012T2. The lattice specific heat corresponds to a Debye θ=118.1 °K, which is considerably lower than the value θ160 °K observed for other higher rare earths. The electronic specific heat of ytterbium CE=2.90T is also much smaller than the usual value CE10T. In the nonmagnetic ytterbium metal the 5d electron, normally in the conduction band, is added to the 4f shell which thereby becomes full. This explains the differences between the specific heat of ytterbium and of the other rare earths. The small term in Cp proportional to T2, is probably caused by long-range exchange-type coupling between the electronic moments of rare-earth impurities in our ytterbium sample.