Exploring Moderators of the Relationship between Physical Activity Behaviors and Television Viewing in Elementary School Children

Purpose. Previous research suggests that there is limited evidence to support a negative association between physical activity (PA) behaviors and television (TV) viewing time in children. The purpose of this study was to extend the research involving PA–TV viewing relationships and to explore potential moderators, including gender, ethnicity, weekday/weekend behaviors, structured/unstructured activities, and seasonal variability. Design. A 9-month longitudinal design, across one school year, with assessments every 3 months. Setting. Elementary schools in the Vancouver and Richmond districts of British Columbia, Canada. Subjects. Subjects (N = 344; 47% female) were 9- to 11-year-old children who participated in a school-based PA initiative from September 2003 to June 2004. Intervention. Not applicable. Measures. Assessments of PA were measured using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children. TV viewing time and structured PA were measured using a self-report questionnaire. Analysis. Basic descriptives, Pearson r bivariate correlations and moderated multiple regressions with mean centered variables. Results. No significant interaction effects were found for any of the proposed moderators. Null bivariate correlations are supportive of findings in previous literature. Conclusions. Our results did not find support for PA–TV viewing relations, regardless of gender, ethnicity, structured PA, and seasonal variability. PA interventions aimed at modifying sedentary behaviors, such as TV viewing may not be warranted.