Implementation of face recognition algorithm for biometrics based time attendance system

Face Recognition begins with extracting the coordinates of features such as width of mouth, width of eyes, pupil, and compare the result with the measurements stored in the database and return the closest record (facial metrics). Nowadays, there are a lot of face recognition techniques and algorithms found and developed around the world. Facial recognition becomes an interesting research topic. It is proven by numerous number of published papers related with facial recognition including facial feature extraction, facial algorithm improvements, and facial recognition implementations. Main purposes of this research are to get the best facial recognition algorithm (Eigenface and Fisherface) provided by the Open CV 2.4.8 by comparing the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve and implement it in the attendance system as the main case study. Based on the experiments, the ROC curve proves that using the current training set, Eigenface achieves better result than Fisherface. Eigenface implemented inside the Attendance System returns between 70% to 90% similarity for genuine face images.

This publication has 1 reference indexed in Scilit:

  • PCA versus LDA
    Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2001