Using a mixed linear animal model, genetic parameters were estimated for clinical mastitis (MAST), lactation average somatic cell score (LSCS), and milk production traits in the first 3 lactations of more than 200,000 Swedish Holstein cows with first calving from 1995 to 2000. Heritability estimates for MAST (0.01 to 0.03) were distinctly lower than those for LSCS (0.10 to 0.14) and production traits (0.23 to 0.36). The genetic correlation between MAST and LSCS was high for all lactations (mean 0.70), implying that selection for low LSCS will reduce the incidence of mastitis. Undesirable genetic relationships with production were found for both MAST and LSCS with genetic correlations ranging from 0.01 to 0.45. This emphasizes the need for including udder health traits in the breeding goal. Genetic correlations across lactations for the same trait were positive and high for both MAST (>0.7), LSCS (>0.8), and production traits (>0.9), with the strongest correlations between second and third parity for all traits (>0.9 for udder health traits and close to unity for production traits).