Double-balloon endoscopy for treatment of long-term abdominal discomfort due to small bowel penetration by an eel bone.

  • 1 October 2008
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 14 (10), CS107-9
Penetration of the GI tract by a fish bone was treated by laparotomy. DBE is a useful procedure for removal of a foreign body from the small bowel. A 33-year-old male presented with bothersome postprandial fullness. He was diagnosed previously with functional dyspepsia, and had been treated with medication for 8 months with no success. During antegrade DBE, which was performed to rule out of small intestinal abnormalities, an eel bone found stuck in the jejunum was grasped with forceps and pulled out. Following removal of the bone, the patient's postprandial fullness ameliorated dramatically. This is the first report of DBE-based diagnosis and treatment of a small bowel penetration by a fish bone.