Biofiltration Control of Hydrogen Sulfide 1. Design and Operational Parameters

Laboratory scale biological filter systems for control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in waste gas have been studied and the optimum design and operating parameters determined. Extensive tests have been conducted to evaluate the effect of various filter bed operating parameters such as temperature, retention time, H2S concentration, and H2S loading rate. Variable properties of new and used composts such as sulfate content, acidity, and water content have been studied for their influence on H2S removal efficiency. The effects of compost particle size distribution on system pressure drop and the maximum H2S elimination capacity were examined. Biofiltration systems containing various types of yard waste compost as the filter material have been observed to remove hydrogen sulfide with efficiencies greater than 99.9 percent for H2S inlet concentrations in the range from 5 to 2650 ppmv.