Phospholipids of the Differentiating Species of Tetrahymena

The whole-cell phospholipid composition of the six known polymorphic species of Tetrahymena has been examined by [(3)H]acetate and [(3)H]myristic acid radiolabeling, and by gas-liquid chromatography of total phospholipid-bound fatty acids. Five of the polymorphic species contained similar phospholipid profiles following radiolabeling in that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was the predominant phospholipid; however, in cells of Tetrahymena patula LFF, aminoethylphosphonolipid was present in amounts nearly equal to PE. Tetrahymena patula LFF contained an unusually large percentage of sphingolipid (16.2% by [(3)H]acetate radiolabeling). Substantial differences were found in the fatty acid profiles of the polymorphic species, which included the degree of fatty acid unsaturation and relative weight percentages of odd-chain fatty acids. Tetrahymena vorax contained a low ratio of unsaturated C(18) fatty acids to saturated C(18) fatty acids as compared with all other species examined. The differentiating species generally contained a lesser percentage of monoenoic fatty acids and a lower ratio of unsaturated C(16) fatty acids to saturated C(16) fatty acids as compared with the two monomorphic species examined.