腹膜转移作为进展期胃癌最常见的远处转移部位之一,因其发生机制复杂、诊治难、预后差已引起广泛临床关注。其发生机制和预防诊治相关的基础和临床研究近年来齐头并进,致力于提高胃癌腹膜转移患者的生存率并改善其生活质量。目前其诊断方法多样,难以确切预防,治疗多采用以化疗为基础的综合治疗方案且尚在探索完善。本文就近年胃癌腹膜转移的发生机制、诊断和防治相关文献行综述,以期为临床诊治提供思路。 As one of the most common metastasis sites in advanced gastric cancer, peritoneal metastasis has attracted the extensive clinical attention due to its complicated mechanism, difficult diagnosis and treatment, and poor prognosis. So many basic and clinical research involving mechanism, prevention and treatment in recent years has committed to decrease the mortality of the gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis and improve their quality of life. At present, it has multiple diagnostic methods, but it is difficult to exactly prevent. Most of the treatments are based on chemotherapy and are still being explored and improved. This paper aims to review the related literature about mechanisms of peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, so as to provide some clinical ideas.